Aqua Survey’s Dr. Jon Doi will be a platform speaker on Friday April 15th at the THIRD INTERNATIONAL DIALOGUE ON UNDERWATER MUNITIONS held in Sopot, Poland.  The title of Jon’s presentation is Environmental Risks of UXO/MEC Contaminants in Sediment Addressed by Laboratory Toxicity Testing.  As excited as we are to see Dr. Doi and the other speakers present, being in country with as rich a cultural history as Poland also has a charm to it.  Take for instance, the castle in the nearby town of Malbork, the construction of which was begun in the late 1200’s by the Teutonic Order.  Having endured everything from medieval siege warfare to WWII bombing the Castle of Malbork has stood the test of time.  Many claim that Malbrok Castle is the largest Gothic fortification in Europe.  At one point it held more than 3,000 troops within its walls.  To read more about the history of this castle click here.